

作为电台音乐监督的高级总监, 埃里克·梅迪纳为电视节目和电影挑选音乐.

埃里克·梅迪纳对着镜头微笑. He is wearing a black zip-up jacket, black t-shirt, 和 gold chain necklace.

满帆 grad Eric Medina was always interested in the intersection of music 和 television.

“Instead of just listening to songs 和 resonating with the lyrics 和 the vibe, I would always associate them with characters or shows… Even starting as a kid, 以前广告一出现,我就会惹恼我妈妈, 我会说, “那首歌叫什么名字?? 我喜欢那首歌.’ Or I would hear songs on the radio when I was like five or eight years old 和 say, ‘嘿, 妈妈, 这首歌可以用来做丰田的广告,’”他笑着说.

Today, Eric is matching music to TV shows 和 movies on a professional level. 他做过音乐监督,比如 甜蜜生活:迷失的洛杉矶, 皇后区, 哈莱姆教父, 《多洛雷斯·罗奇的恐怖,以及即将到来的 酒店可卡因. He’s currently the Senior Director of 音乐 Supervision at Raedio.

Eric wasn’t aware that finding music for movies 和 TV shows was an actual job until 他学习音频制作音乐行业 全速航行. He got to experience the process firsth和 in his 音乐 Supervision class.

“I remember we had a project in the 音乐 Supervision course where we took a film that had no music, 和 then we had to add music to it from [满帆’s] music library. 我记得我告诉过我们组的其他孩子, ‘嘿, 如果你们不想在这个项目上做那么多, 没关系,因为这是我真的, 真的很想做.“我就是喜欢上了它,”埃里克回忆道.

埃里克毕业后, he spent a few years climbing the industry ladder from internships to full-time roles in creative sync 和 music supervision. 他最终获得了现在在电台的职位, an independent music production company founded 和 led by actress Issa Rae.

音乐 supervisors oversee all aspects of the music that goes into movies 和 TV shows. 他们创造性地评估一段音乐应该放在哪里, 管理预算, 与作曲家合作, 与项目的制片人和导演沟通, 和 work with record labels 和 publishers to get clearance rights for songs. Eric is involved with a show or movie for the entire production process.

“当我们开始制作一部剧的时候, we have to read the scripts 和 assess where all the music moments could happen. (例如, the script could say that the characters] go into a restaurant 和 there's a b和 playing in the background. 所以我们和制片人协调,讨论, 如果有现场乐队的话, 你知道他们会演奏什么样的音乐吗? We'll have to license the music beforeh和 和 clear all the music that they're going to shoot to,埃里克解释道.

“这只是一种情况. Sometimes in scripts they'll say that there's a montage moment of scenes happening, 他们可能会想要一首歌. 有时他们想要原创音乐, 他们想让我们为节目创作原创歌曲,他继续说道。.

Selecting music for a project is more complicated than choosing a song that’s enjoyable — a music supervisor has to choose songs that serve the project’s creative vision.

“我们不能因为喜欢一首歌就有偏见地添加它. It's more about tapping into the director's mind 和 the showrunner's mind 和 trying to figure out what they’re going for creatively. Is this song going to help drive the creative direction of the show? 这些歌曲在歌词上适用于特定的人物吗?... 我们向我们所想的方向倾斜, 然后制片人告诉我们他们的想法, 和 then we just figure out what the sound of the show is going to be. The network 和 the studio also get involved; everyone has a say of what they want creatively. So as music supervisors, we have to kind of service every single person,” he says.

In addition to managing the needs of different people on a project, 埃里克同时处理多个项目. Right now, he’s working on three documentaries, a movie, 和 two scripted shows. 在典型的一天里, he might be reading scripts 和 highlighting music moments for one project, going to set for an on-camera music performance for a second project, 以及为某一集电视节目清理歌曲.

埃里克很好地平衡了他的职责:2022年, he won the Guild of 音乐 Supervisors award for Best 音乐 Supervision — Reality 电视 for season one of 甜蜜生活:洛杉矶. 他也对即将到来的剧集感到兴奋 酒店可卡因上世纪70年代的惊悚片 贩毒集团) 配乐是“到处都是迪斯科和拉丁音乐”.” His advice to up-和-coming music supervisors is to get started early.

“The best way [to get involved in music supervision] is to try to get in early at an internship while you're in college… 音乐 supervisors always keep a list of potential interns 和 potential coordinators. Don’t be shy to reach out, say a little bit about yourself, share your interests. 去尽可能多的同步事件. There are sync events everywhere that just talk about music supervision… By surrounding yourself with the sync/licensing or music supervision world, you’ll be networking with all the right people you’ll need to know to help l和 your first internship or job.”