
Meet the Grad Whose Songs Are Now Part of the '星球大战' Canon

Dan Fontana works with fellow grads at 泰菲工作室 creating original music for Disney Parks.

Meet the Grad Whose Songs Are Now Part of the '星球大战' Canon - Hero image

丹·丰塔纳,1998年毕业 录音艺术 毕业并拥有 泰菲工作室, has spent his decorated career working on countless award-winning Disney theme park shows 和 scores. He's recorded in some of the world's most celebrated studios 和 has taken fellow 满帆 grads along with him every step of the way.

Before his time at 满帆, Dan spent much of his early career working in live sound. 想要一个支点, he enrolled in 满帆's 录音艺术 program to focus on building a career in a recording studio. "My first day at 满帆, I considered the first day of the rest of my life,丹说.

毕业后, Dan l和ed an internship working with the Disney 音乐 Department 和 built connections that would keep work coming his way. 实习结束后, Dan kept true to his goals of working in a studio 和 made his way to Miami to work with Outpost Audio, later moving to Los Angeles to work on feature films, 包括 托马斯·克朗事件和蔼可亲的.

在迈阿密和洛杉矶取得成功之后.A., Dan decided it was time to build his own studio, though the decision certainly didn't lack hurdles. “当你离开一个既定机构的那一刻, 你必须找到工作,丹说, 回想起泰菲卑微的出身. "It's not like people are banging on your door." One thing Dan did realize when launching his own studio was the caliber of work he needed from his team. 多年来, Ty Fy has employed many 满帆 grads 和 trained countless interns through the studio's internship program, which he modeled after his own experiences at Disney. "Inside of Ty Fy is all 满帆ors," he says. "I know the base of knowledge [someone is] coming out of the school with 和 I can vet an engineer in five minutes."

Little did Dan know that the relationships he cultivated during his own internship would lead him to an impressive career in live theme park audio. The audio produced at Ty Fy has not only appeared in shows throughout the Central Florida Disney parks, but on Disney Cruise Line ships in the Bahamas 和 the Caribbean, as well as in Disney Parks located in Hong Kong, 阿纳海姆, 上海, 和巴黎. He's even gotten the chance to record at legendary music studio Abbey Road, 公园里几场标志性的表演, 比如“迪士尼电影魔术”,“精彩的动画世界。,还有其他人. "It was a real thrill to sit in the Abbey Road control [room],丹说. “这就像走进了音乐的梵蒂冈."

But that's not all Dan 和 his team have to be proud of. 泰菲工作室 was given the chance to contribute to the parks' newest addition, 《星球大战:银河边缘. 与迪士尼幻想工程和 星球大战 作曲家约翰·威廉姆斯的团队, Dan 和 his collaborator Roger Butterley composed four original tracks now in rotation at Oga's Cantina in both the Florida 和 California Galaxy's Edge locations. “我们的歌现在正式成为 星球大战 佳能... 现在这很酷,”丹说.

Dan 和 Roger approached the creation of the four Cantina songs from a stance any serious 星球大战 粉丝会. The Mos Eisley-inspired drinking song "Yoccola Ateema" (which translates to "drink now" in Huttese – that's right, Dan 和 Roger even wrote the songs in Jabba the Hutt's native tongue), 和 a reggae track called "Ma Pateesa" were deliberately crafted to fit into the universe loved by millions of fans worldwide. Though if you find yourself listening to the songs on streaming services, you won't see Dan Fontana or Roger Butterley credited at all, 因为这对夫妇使用了他们自己指定的 星球大战 名字是“Fytee”和“RB Snootles”."

As a winner of multiple Thea Awards – the theme park equivalent to a Grammy – Dan may have accomplished a lot in his 20-plus years in audio, 但很明显,他看不到结束的迹象. "The next opportunity will show its face," he says. “我们并没有期望创造性地做出贡献 星球大战我们永远不知道会发生什么."