
满帆 and WWE Celebrate Two Years of Education and Entertainment Partnerships

On 2014年5月17日 满帆大学和 WWE celebrated the second anniversary of a partnership.

满帆 and WWE Celebrate Two Years of Education and Entertainment Partnerships - Hero image

On 2014年5月17日 满帆大学和 WWE celebrated the second anniversary of a partnership that has made the sports entertainment giant a permanent fixture on campus, and provided one-of-a-kind educational and professional opportunities for both students and alumni.

At the center of this collaboration are regular tapings of the WWE NXT 电视连续剧 满帆现场演出 -该节目在全球60多个国家播出. 第一次广播演出举行了 2012年5月17日,从那以后就有了 100集 NXT 生产出来的,带来了几代人 WWE的超级明星 去学校. 这些艺人中只有少数包括Triple H, Sheamus, 罪卡拉, 约翰·希纳, 大朗斯顿, 丹尼尔·布莱恩, Uso杰特, 吉米Uso, 伟大的哈利, 大型展览, “心碎的孩子”肖恩·迈克尔斯, "杀手"布莱特·哈特, 和WWE天后.

的 NXT 系列关注的是有前途的运动员,等等 二零一三年七月十一日 WWE开了专门的 演艺中心 for new talent in close proximity to 满帆’s campus. This facility offers a comprehensive program for potential entertainers – including in-ring training, 物理防范, 以及性格发展. 26,000 square-foot space also features seven training rings, 世界级的力量和体能训练项目, 以及编辑和制作设备.

除了娱乐输出, NXT tapings have also allowed 满帆 students to become involved with their promotion and production. 带头进行这些努力的是 WWE & 全帆学生倡议, 哪一个提供了志愿服务的机会, 一起学习, and shadow with WWE employees in areas like marketing, 社交媒体, 媒体制作, 平面设计, 和更多的. 对于任何给定的事件 50 to 60 students will participate  on the day of the production, with another approximate 30 assisting throughout the week to set up and break down equipment in the Live Venue.

的 program has also allowed students to assist on other WWE productions in the Central Florida area and beyond. A recent highlight saw eight travel to New Orleans, Louisiana for 摔角狂热30,于2014年4月6日举行. Six members of this student group took on production roles  as part of the camera team, helping broadcast the organization’s largest annual event to a record 1 million U.S. 通过WWE网络和按次付费.

In addition to supporting the practical education of students, 门票和商品销售的收益来自 NXT go toward a scholarship fund for students enrolled at 满帆.. 到目前为止,WWE已经授予 6个1万美元奖学金 自2012年起招收学生, and these recipients are Geraldo Gutierrez (记录 艺术s), 费利佩·詹纳佐(表演制作), 艾利森·伊利夫(创意写作), clarbel Ross(娱乐商业硕士), Hamza Aboufirass(电影), 亨特·海恩斯(电影).

This is only a portion of the campus events and opportunities that have been open to students as part of the 满帆 and WWE partnership, and we’ve also seen many continue to work with the company after graduation.

Looking back on the last two years of this unique relationship, 全速航行总裁加里·琼斯 提供, “We are humbled by the continued dedication from WWE in recognizing the efforts and dreams of our students. Collaborating with WWE has elevated the education experience here at 满帆大学 by creating many opportunities for our students to be mentored by some of the best minds in the entertainment production industry. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this evolving partnership.”

“We are proud to celebrate our unique partnership with 满帆大学, which continues to help build WWE’s next generation of talent, 无论是在拳击场上还是在幕后,” 保罗几何现场活动人才执行副总裁 & 有创意的WWE. “满帆 students continue to serve as an integral part of our NXT production team and we look forward to working with 满帆大学 for many years to come.”


  • 2013年8月,满帆和WWE举办了“WWE这家网站,” a global game jam-style contest available exclusively to 满帆 students. 64名学生参与, 在48小时的黑客马拉松中, 设计, 原型, and presented an action game concept to a panel of WWE judges, as well as other communication/technology professionals. 获胜的队伍, 团队突触, was awarded $5,000; second place 团队的类别 received $3,000; and third place 团队击掌游戏 获得了1000美元.
  • In February 2014 满帆 served as the host for an episode of NXT的到来, which was the first in-ring event to be live streamed on the recently launched WWE网络, the sports entertainment giant’s subscription-based video streaming service.
  • In February 2014 students got an inside look at the new WWE网络 during a lecture called “未来就是现在:与WWE的对话.这包括一个小组讨论和Q&A session with WWE Executive Vice President of Talent, Live 事件 & 有创意的, 保罗几何 (WWE Superstar Triple H), the “Voice of WWE” Michael Cole, Lead Writer & Raw和SmackDown的制作人, 戴夫·卡普尔, WWE特别赛事执行副总裁, 约翰Saboor.
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