Full Sail University

Faculty Spotlight: Aron Gelineau

课程总监阿伦·格里诺(Aron Gelineau)为零售商创造了交互式数字体验, the NFL, a children’s hospital, and more.

Aron Gelineau双臂交叉站在那里,对着镜头微笑. She has brown, curly hair and is wearing a teal sweater.

When students sign up to study game art at Full Sail, 他们将学习技术和艺术技能,为从游戏到模拟到电影等行业创建交互式3D艺术. 他们还将向具有丰富行业经验的讲师学习,比如阿隆·格里诺, 谁曾为运动队做过动作设计师和通才动画师, retailers, a children’s hospital, and more. 她的专业项目依赖于她所教的相同的软件和工作流程 Game Animation I.

I lean into the fact that everyone is capable, 我试图帮助他们填补知识缺失的空白.

Aron was always interested in art and design. 她在堪萨斯州立大学获得了时尚学士学位, 但她被质量控制和设计课程所吸引,并喜欢使用Photoshop和Adobe Illustrator等软件. After she graduated, Aron决定涉足这些领域,并在Full Sail注册学习电脑动画.

“I liked animation the most because before, I was looking at how clothes moved and all that stuff, 所以我只是在思考身体和身体力学. It connected [to animation] really well. 当我去《十大菠菜台子》学习电脑动画时,我不太确定自己想要专注于什么,我只是把最多的注意力集中在角色动画上,” she shares.

Shortly after graduating from Full Sail, 阿伦开始在一家广告公司做动作设计师, 然后在平面设计和社交媒体内容创作方面承担了额外的角色. She eventually landed at Dimensional Innovations, 一家专门从事交互式数字体验的设计公司.

Aron tackled new challenges at Dimensional Innovations. 克利夫兰印第安人儿童俱乐部的一个项目, 她帮助创建了多个触摸屏的吸引循环,以鼓励孩子们与有关印度球员的视频和其他数字内容进行互动. Aron还为明尼苏达维京人队制作了吸引循环,她使用Autodesk 3ds Max软件创建了冰在屏幕上移动的图像, then breaking apart. But she’s proudest of the work she did for Nick’s Theater 爱荷华大学斯特德家庭儿童医院.

尼克剧院是一种身临其境的物理治疗体验,帮助那些被限制在医院病房的孩子获得回家所需的行动能力. 该空间的游戏使用Kinect动作感应技术来跟踪用户的手臂运动, 所以它们适合不同体力活动水平的病人. 艾伦参与了剧院整体概念的发展, helped write stories for some of the interactive games, and created motion design assets like attract loops.

“我从一开始就在帮助(尼克剧院),”阿隆解释道. “我被要求创造一些有助于销售项目的元素,然后当我们开始与客户进行更多交谈时,我将帮助开发这些元素. I helped design some of the games; I helped create some stories. 我帮助制作道具和装备,并为其中一个故事中的热点制作动画.”

这种努力得到了回报:除了创造一个对离开医院的孩子们产生影响的空间之外, Aron的团队在国际数字标牌博览会上获得了APEX奖. 这段经历也与Aron教授Full Sail学生的技能很好地结合在一起.

 “(尼克剧院的工作)与我目前所教的课程非常吻合, because we animate props, we rig them, 我们从Maya中导出它们并将它们导入虚幻引擎. 这就是我为尼克剧院所做的,”她说.


“My teaching philosophy is that everyone is capable. From my experience, not every student gets animation right away, or they’ll get bits of it, but not the full picture. What one student understands, another one won’t. I lean into the fact that everyone is capable, 我试图帮助他们填补知识缺失的空白.”